Supplies garlic concentrate with chlorophyllins and vitamin C. Consider whenever garlic supplementation is indicated.
Garlic plus supplies 500mg pf garlic and 5,000mcg of the active ingredient per tablet, along with Vitamin C and Chlorophyllins (from mulberry leaf).
Crude extracts of garlic (Allium sativum) have been shown to inhibit the expression of a large number of bacterial quorum sensing (QS)-controlled genes.
In the bacteria, QS functions in coordinating a specific expression of genes. These genes function to synchronise the expression of a particular phenotype between the individual bacterial cells, which may initially impact the infection process.
Garlic has been found to preferentially inhibit undesirable bacteria and has a relatively minor impact on commensal species.
The benefits of garlic to health have been proclaimed for centuries. Research concludes that garlic extracts modulate cytokine secretion and that such modulation may provide a mechanism of action for many of their therapeutic effects, such as in obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disorders and gastric ulcer.
May help to inhibit bacterial overgrowth such as in SIBO & large intestine bacterial dysbiosis.
May help to inhibit yeast overgrowth.
May support circulatory health.
May support a person with metabolic syndrome.